FTS Rat Rod Shirt 146
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Regular price $ 23.00
Rat Rod 146
This beautiful rear graphic, from a photo taken inside the Full Throttle bar itself, features the original Full Throttle rat rod built by Fat Rat, printed in shades of turquoise, copper, dark yellow,
and white. To the left of the car is the "Marlboro Man" bike. Above the graphic inside a yellow
and copper tone ribbon are the words "The World's Largest Biker Bar" in yellow. Michael
Ballard's signature, in turquoise, crosses above the words "Full Throttle Saloon". About three-
quarters of the way down the design is another ribbon with "...The Original FTS Rat Rod..." and
at the bottom "Sturgis, So. Dak." inside a chevron shape. On the front Sturgis and Estd 2000 are
in deep yellow with copper tone highlights. Full Throttle Saloon is in turquoise all inside a deep
yellow chevron with "Estd 2000" in a ribbon below. The chevron and the ribbon outline also
have copper tone highlight