What Presidential Candidate would you like to see in Sturgis and why?

Give us your opinion on which candidate you would like to see at The Full Throttle Saloon during the Sturgis Rally 2016! Let us know why your choosing that candidate.
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  • Get Bernie Sanders.


    Because he loves America and everyone in it. He doesn’t judge like the other rich bigots. He will genuinely support the dream.

  • Ted Nugent for President

  • I haven’t been to Sturgis since b4 1999. Have had that longing 2Go back far too long. So, 2016 is the Year. Bob & Johnni, thanks 4 saying what I wld loved to have said myself. Having campaigned for both Parties, attended events, formals, & after hour events, speaking to SCJ’s, Deep Pocketed Contributors, SCJ’s & lots of Office Holders from both Parties, and of course lots of Women, it was a s clear from the beginning, as it it 2Day; Both Parties r and alwasy hv been in Bed together. It take some1 w/ their Own Money as U know, to take down those with Mad Money too, who have denied WTP of us what is Ours, $1 Priority of C4TUS, not THE corp Elite who r frmr US Fort. 500’s, who r

    now Multi-National Foreign Corp$ who control what’s Ours.

    Donald Trump is Able & Adept on any stage incl the World, Trade, Jobs, Econ, Negotiating & Re-Negotiating poop T&C’s, and other Candidates r Unqualified, Naive, Inept PPL like BO, HRC, TC, JK; Ea. has spent more time playing Catch-Up & Actin’ like Trump, when it’s just not who any of them have ever been. Every other Country would rather have a Weak, Pushover US President than Trump, U can bet Ur

    _ _ _ on that! 4Obvi Reasons.

    Elite Corp$ controls everything about Estbl HRC,TC,JK, + who have taken ELITE CORP $ TO Run 4Return Favors B4 WTP OR VETS GET ANYTHING. sO, IT trump WHO IS THE man that’s Ready, Able, and intuitively ahead of all others on every major Issue and Subject whose willing to RISK WHAT no other BILLIONAIRES would ever do, since Ea. pursues more Illgal Gain$ by the absolute Control ELITES have over C4TUS allowed by CPP’s w/o Consent or Authority to Act as Agents on Behalf of WTP. So, it’s ALPHA TRUMP vs Paid CPP’s carrying out Orders of the Global Elite Corp$; Cruz, Clinton,. Kasich< & any other CPP. FACT: Not 1 American Citizen has ever experienced Life w/o Corp Elite Control of Our Constitution in the U.S., ever! How any Adult Citizen could sway, influence, or encourage their children to Vote for CPP’s, when it’s only w/o a CPP in Office, that is the ONLY way to Learnand Experience what it’s like to control Our Law of the Land and enjoy life w/o the Elite shackles, that Only Trump can bring to fruition.

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